Alien Jesus Feature Story



"ST. LOUIS (AP) - In a move praised by farmers, agribusiness giant Monsanto Co. (NYSE:MCT - news) pledged not to market genetically engineered crops that produce sterile seeds. "

Although Monsanto would not publicly give credit to their arch foes, Alien Jesus, there is no doubt that our patented "prayer conform wave generator" was responsible for the Right Action performed earlier this week. We have no doubt that this technology will still be worked upon in deep dark chambers with mad scientists and super genius monkeys, but at least the spotlight has been put on Monsanto and it wont be nearly as easy to Vandalize the earth and Mutate our bodies before our very eyes.

New York Times story from Oct 4, 1999

An Alien Jesus Investigative Report

By Claudia Patrick

Mutato Potato For Alien Food Supply ?

Rage Down South
A Monsanto official told the NEW YORK TIMES that the corporation should not have to take responsibility for the safety of its food products. "Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food," said Phil Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications. "Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the FDA's job," Angell said.
New York Times 10/25/98

The very name should strike fear and loathing into all of you who eat food on a regular basis. The company that brings you the latest in dioxin and Agent Orange is coming up against growing opposition against their patented "Control of Plant Gene Expressions" (US patent #5, 723,765) that is jointly owned by the USDA.

Dubbed "The Terminator Seed" crops of soy, cotton, corn and potatoes give one yield and then the the plant's altered DNA kills it's own embryos, thus making the seed sterile and the farmer unable to do anything but buy more seed from Monsanto. And it's not only the seed that is bought, but the innoculant that fertilizes the seed for production and pesticides such as "Round-Up". The New Leaf Superior Potato, however, needs no pesticide as it actually is a pesticide and registered with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as one. The label on a bag of Monsanto's pesticidal potatoes in the supermarket lists all of the nutrients but nothing about the potatoes being genetically engineered or that they are legally a pesticide. This is the potato that can be in your dip chips and McDonald's french fries without you even knowing about it.

Archer, Daniels, Midlands (ADM) , "SuperMarket to the World", on September 1, 1999, told suppliers to keep altered crops separate, stating that while the company feels biotechnology is safe, "We must produce products that our consumers will purchase. If we are unable to satisfy their requests, they do have alternative sources for their ingredients."

Monsanto and Farmers are losing money as more and more countries are saying no to crops and the technology. Besides the unknown long term effects on humans the soil where the seeds grow can be rendered sterile as well, for how long, nobody knows. Farmers who have invested in the far more expensive Monsanto Way Harvest have seen less crop for their dollar are having a hard time going back to the old ways because of plants altering fields. Farmers also enter into iron clad contracts with Monsanto saying they will not grow anything else besides what they are given and can easily lose their farms should they not honor the deal.

Sterile soil, suicide seeds, less yield, higher costs, just who is being benefitted by this? Making sure the hungry eat has always been a mock gesture of a humanitarian regime as it's been shown for decades that there has always been plenty of food on earth to feed everybody so the next place to look would be not to earth but beyond...

Our native natural crops offer little or no nutritional value to little Johnny Alienboy, who could never grow up to be a big strong grey on mere Earth grains. But the Mutato Potato has all the nutrients an alien needs. Monsanto,and all the other Gentech companies are rolling out a culinary red carpet to our visitors from afar and for once, profits are not an issue if it it curries favor with the real New World Order of Extraterrestrials.

Because after reading the voluminous material available it's obvious to Alien Jesus that this is one crop that was never made with the human race in mind.

You want Fries with that?

To Alien Jesus

Make up Your Own Mind

Operation Cremate Monsanto

One Wild Night in India

Dr Fox's DNA Paper

Infected Food, Bodies, & Ecosystem?

Rachel's Environment

A True Gardener's Perspective

Maize Raze

A Midnight Machete Protest

Down South RAGE


Food - Health - Hope